(National Aeronautics and Space Administration Grant NCC21317)


MORSE Project Website

Project Goals

The NASA project, carried out jointly with Professor Bonnie John of HCI, is a project 
consisting of the following five goals:

1. To create a task that requires humans to collaborate as a team.

2. To describe the task and the points of cognitive overload that the individual
   human teammates might experience.

3. To create accurate models of human problem solving and cognitive load in
   solving the task.

4. To discover areas where intelligent and autonomous software agent technology
   can reduce the cognitive load on the individual team members, so as to
   improve their individual performance, and to improve the performance of the
   team as a whole.

5. To run human subject experiments to evaluate the effectiveness of the cognitive
   models and of the agents, in order  to improve individual and team performance.

The task that we have chosen to simulate involves range operations.

Fifteen hours before a launch, three radar station commanders must watch an
area of the Atlantic Ocean over which the launch vehicle will be passing. They
must coordinate and share resources to remove incursions (air and sea vehicles)
from that area. They must also deploy weather monitoring instruments to
ascertain how the weather might impact the launch, or modify the assumptions of
the effective launch range.  At the end of the fifteen hours, the team has a
one hour window in which to decide whether to launch or abort the mission, or
to whether or not  they should change their previous decision.

Project Members   Email Addresses
Professor Bonnie John   bej+ at cs dot cmu dot edu
Sandra L. Esch   sesch+ at cs dot
Professor Katia Sycara   katia at cs dot cmu dot edu
Joseph Giampapa   garof+ at cs dot cmu dot edu
Past Members    
Rahul Singh    


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