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MICE: Michigan Intelligent Coordination Experiment testbed

The Michigan Intelligent Coordination Experiment (MICE) testbed is a tool for experimenting with coordination between intelligent systems under a variety of conditions. MICE simulates a two-dimensional grid-world in which agents may move, communicate, and affect their environment. MICE is essentially a discrete-event simulator that helps control the domain and a graphical representation, but provides relatively few constraints on the form of the domain and the agents' abilities. Users may specify the time required by various activities, the constraints on an agents' sensors, the configuration of the domain and its properties, etc. Source code, documentation, and examples are included.
   as the files Mice.tar.Z and MacMICE.tar.Z

Version: MICE 2.0 (18-OCT-92); MacMICE 3.0 (1-APR-94) Requires: Common Lisp Ports: MICE runs on Un*x boxes (under XWindows), on Macs (MACL), and on TI Explorers, with relatively consistent graphical displays. Copying: Copyright (c) 1991-94, Regents of the University of Michigan Free use, copying, modification, and distribution permitted. CD-ROM: Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1 Contact: Distributed Intelligent Agent Group (UM DIAG) University of Michigan Keywords: Agent Architectures, Discrete-Event Simulator, Grid World, Lisp!Code, MICE, Micro-Worlds, Planning, Robotics, Simulators, Testbeds, Univ. of Michigan References: Thomas A. Montgomery and Edmund H. Durfee, "Using MICE to Study Intelligent Dynamic Coordination", in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Tools for AI, November 1990. The MICE User's guide is included in the distribution.
Last Web update on Mon Feb 13 10:28:40 1995