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Active Learning

With respect to additional active learning techniques, Cohn et al. (1994) were among the first to discuss certainty-based active learning methods in detail. They focus on a neural network approach to active learning in a version-space of concepts. Only a few of the researchers applying machine learning to natural language processing have utilized active learning [Hwa2001,Schohn Cohn2000,Tong Koller2000,Thompson et al.1999,Argamon-Engelson Dagan1999,Liere Tadepalli1997,Lewis Catlett1994], and the majority of these have addressed classification tasks such as part of speech tagging and text categorization. For example, Liere and Tadepalli (1997) apply active learning with committees to the problem of text categorization. They show improvements with active learning similar to those that we obtain, but use a committee of Winnow-based learners on a traditional classification task. Argamon-Engelson and Dagan (1999) also apply committee-based learning to part-of-speech tagging. In their work, a committee of hidden Markov models is used to select examples for annotation. Lewis and Catlett (1994) use heterogeneous certainty-based methods, in which a simple classifier is used to select examples that are then annotated and presented to a more powerful classifier. However, many language learning tasks require annotating natural language text with a complex output, such as a parse tree, semantic representation, or filled template. The application of active learning to tasks requiring such complex outputs has not been well studied, the exceptions being Hwa (2001), Soderland (1999), and Thompson et al. (1999). The latter two include work on active learning applied to information extraction, and Thompson et al. (1999) includes work on active learning for semantic parsing. Hwa (2001) describes an interesting method for evaluating a statistical parser's uncertainty, when applied for syntactic parsing.
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Cindi Thompson