Source documents
Media Articles - 1980s

Last updated
10 December 2002
Contents > Source Documents > Media Articles - 1980s

Letter to the Editor

Newkirk Herald-Journal
October 5, 1989

To the Editor:

September 9, I wrote a letter to Narconon at Chilocco in support of their drug rehabilitation center which I felt to be a necessity because of the drug problems that our country faces today.

I feel very strongly that we need growth in our community and that a drug center would be an asset to us. In the letter that I wrote, I told Mr. Ingram that he could use it in it's entirety, but not to use any single part of it.

On September 22, a letter was sent to every resident of Newkirk, which had only two small excerpts of the letter that I wrote. I feel I have been used, and that the purpose of my letter has been distorted.

I feel that I owe Bob Lobsinger and the people of Newkirk an apology for the way my letter was used against the community.

I still feel that a drug rehabilitation center would be an asset to our community. But I do not think that any state or federal funds should be used to support any church related facility.

Yours truly,
Lanio Roberts