From Don Smith: I am working on a backward chaining intuitionisitic prover with focussing. I've written and tested, in Prolog, a propositional prover with focussing. (Because assumptions are copied and not removed in rule focusL, the prover would loop, even for propositional formulas, if not for iterative deepening. Already, loop detection would be useful.) I plan to extend the prover to the first-order case over the next week or two. As for extensions, I need to read more to decide where to go. And of course I'm open to suggestions. I expect to spend a lot of time over the next weeks reading papers. Induction would be cool. Equality is desirable for realistic problems. Figuring out a way to optimize for Horn theories would be cool. Once I'm sure I understand the issues and the design is good, I could reimplement in ML or maybe Mercury.