Other Selected Publications of Dr. Raj Rajkumar

* Borger, M. W. and Rajkumar, R. Implementing Priority Inheritance Algorithms in an Ada Runtime System. Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, February, 1989.

* K. Ekanadham, S. Gregor, K. Hiraki, R. A. Iannucci and R. Rajkumar. An Architecture for Generalized Synchronization and Fast Context-Switching. In Multi-Threaded Architectures, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993.

* Jahanian, F. and Rajkumar, R. "An Integrated Approach to Monitoring and Scheduling in Real-Time Systems". IEEE Workshop on Real-Time Operating Systems and Software, May 1991.

* Jahanian, F., Rajkumar, R. and Fakhouri, S. "Processor Group Membership Protocols: Specification, Design and Implementation". Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Reliable and Distributed Systems, October 1993.

* Klein, M., Lehoczky, J. P. and Rajkumar, R. "Rate Monotonic Analysis for Real-Time Industrial Computing Applications". IEEE Computer, Jan. 1994, 24-33.

* Locke, D., Sha, L., Rajkumar, R., Lehoczky, J. P. and Burns, G. "Priority Inversion and Its Control: An Experimental Investigation". The 2nd ACM International Workshop on Real-Time Ada Issues, June 1988, 39-42.

* Rajkumar, R., Sha, L. and Lehoczky, L. "On Countering The Effects of Cycle-Stealing in A Hard Real-Time Environment". IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1987.

* Rajkumar, R., Lehoczky, J.P. "Task Synchronization in Real-Time Operating Systems". IEEE Workshop on Real-Time Software and Operating Systems, May 1988.

* Rajkumar, R., Sha, L., Lehoczky, J.P. "An Experimental Investigation of Synchronization Protocols". Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop on Real-Time Operating Systems and Software, May 1988.

* Rajkumar, R. "Dealing with Suspending Periodic Tasks" IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, July, 1991.

* Rajkumar, R., "Fixed Priority Scheduling of Periodic Tasks with Cascading Jitter". Tech. Report, June 1994.

* Rajkumar, R., Sha, L., and Lehoczky J.P. "Real-Time Synchronization Protocols for Multiprocessors". Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, December 1988, pp. 259-269.

* Rajkumar, R. "Real-Time Synchronization Protocols for Shared Memory Multiprocessors". The Tenth International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 1990.

* Rajkumar, R. "Priority Inversion and Interprocessor Networks in Real-Time Systems". IEEE Workshop on Architectural Aspects of Real-Time Systems, December 1991.

* Rajkumar, R. and Bhandari, I. S. "An Architectural Framework for Continuous Time Media Applications". IEEE Workshop on Architectural Aspects of Real-Time Systems, December 1991.

* Sha, L., Lehoczky, J. P. and Rajkumar, R. "Solutions for Some Practical Problems in Prioritized Preemptive Scheduling". IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 1986.

* Sha, L., Rajkumar, R. and Lehoczky, J. P. "Task Scheduling in Distributed Real-Time Systems". Proceedings of IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference, 1987.

* Sha, L., Rajkumar, R., Lehoczky, J.P., Ramamritham, K. "Mode Changes in a Prioritized Preemptive Scheduling Environment". The Real-Time Systems Journal, December 1989.

* Sha, L., Rajkumar, R. and Lehoczky, J. P. "Priority Inheritance Protocols: An Approach to Real-Time Synchronization". IEEE Transactions on Computers, September 1990, pp. 1175-1185.

* Sha, L., Rajkumar, R. and Lehoczky, J. P. "Real-Time Scheduling Support in Futurebus+". IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, Dec. 1990.

* Sha, L., Rajkumar, R., Son, S. H., and Y. Lee. "A Real-Time Locking Protocol". IEEE Transactions on Computers, 40, 7, July 1991.

* Sha, L. and Rajkumar, R. "Scheduling Mechanisms for Priority Driven Preemptive Scheduling". 2nd ACM International Workshop on Real-Time Ada Issues, June 1988.

* Sha, L., Rajkumar, R., and Lehoczky, J. P. "Real-Time Applications Using IEEE Futurebus+". IEEE Micro, June 1990.

* Sha, L., Rajkumar, R. and Gagliardi, M. "The Simplex Architecture: An Approach to Build Evolving Industrial Computing Systems". The Proceedings of The ISSAT Conference on Reliability, 1994.

* Sha, L., Rajkumar, R. and Sathaye, S. "Generalized Rate-Monotonic Scheduling Theory: A Framework for Developing Real-Time Systems". Proceedings of the IEEE (journal), January 1994.
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