More details about MERGE-AI

Thanks for your interest in MERGE-AI!

If you sign up, you'll receive MERGE-AI on CD within two weeks, completely FREE of charge.

The software has two parts:

  1. An instructional audio/video segment, which teaches the student conceptual information about different kinds of graphs, and the kinds of data that can go in them.
  2. A cognitive tutoring system, where the student creates and interprets graphs with the help of artificial intelligence which observes their actions, gives hints, and focuses them on the parts of the problem they still need to learn.

Because this project is part of my PhD, I will need you and your child to do a couple of things besides just using the software, so I can learn if the software is any good, and how to improve it:

Once we've received this, I will send your family a project sweatshirt or t-shirt as thanks for helping me with my PhD research.

The entire process of taking the tests and using the software should take around 5 hours.

Click here to sign up

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.