MERGE-AI is a project of the Pittsburgh Area Cognitive Tutor (PACT) Center, in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) of Carnegie Mellon University.

MERGE-AI is funded by grants from the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowship, the National Science Foundation, and Carnegie Learning, Inc.

Principal Investigators:
Ryan Shaun Baker
Albert T. Corbett
Kenneth R. Koedinger

Ryan Shaun Baker
Michael P. Schneider

Pilot Testers:
Angela Wagner
Geoff Kaufmann
Heather Frantz
Jane Kamneva
Jay Raspat
Megan Naim
John Argentieri
Katy Getman
Aaron Bauer
David Holstius

And with invaluable advice and assistance from:
Sara Stille
Mary Scott
Peter Lieu
Stephen Blessing
Suzanne Charman
Santosh Mathan
Steve Ritter
Bethany Rittle-Johnson
Eli Silk
Sharon Lesgold
Dara Weber