Workshop Preparatory Documents


Below is a set of questionnaires (downloadable) on different areas of sustainable development. We plan to use the comments from these to prepare the white papers for discussion at the Bangalore Workshop. Please use the appropriate questionnaire(s) depending on your interest and relevance.  Please feel free to circulate the questionnaires among your colleagues who are active in these fields. The white papers would benefit from a larger number of responses to the questionnaires.


We request participants and colleagues to send us their responses by December 10, 2003 (if possible, or at your earliest convenience), by email ( and copy to or fax  +1(435) 518 9710 (email is preferred).  Your prompt response will help us to send out the white papers well in advance of the Workshop. 


Questionnaires (to download a copy for responding, right-click and “Save As” or “Save Target As”):


  1. Agriculture
  2. Empowerment and Governance
  3. Human Development and Infrastructure

This questionnaire can be applicable for several themes/topics (detailed on the questionnaire)

  1. Poverty Reduction and Employment


We recognize that it may be difficult to generalize ICT and development under such “standardized” forms, but hope you can attempt it.  This collaborative and consensus effort will help us prioritize research, development, and deployment for ICT for Sustainable Development. 


Background materials:


Below are links to material on ICT and Sustainable Development that might be of interest.  We will be updating this list with additional technology and development background papers, white papers, etc. (and suggestions for appropriate web-links are welcome).  There are a number of sites that deal with such issues, such as the Development Gateway, WSIS (ITU), UN Johannesburg Summit, etc.  


  1. ICT Technology Roadmap – Prof. Eric Brewer, Univ. of California-Berkeley
  2. The Dawn of World Computing – Stuart Gannes, Stanford University
  3. The Role of ICT in Sustainable Development – Prof. Raj Reddy, CMU
  4. IT: The Great Empowerment Engine – Prof. V. S. Arunachalam, CMU
  5. UN Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development



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