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General information

How to run Amira
Amira is installed on cosmo, the lab windows computer. To run Amira follow "Program files -> Amira 3.1". You will also find there the documentation. The paper documentation is on one of lab shelves, look for two red books.

We have a one year maintenance program (starting June 28, 2004). The hotline can be contacted:

The license is attached to a specific computer and cannot be used on another computer. If we need to install it on another computer we have to request a license transfert and get a new license key from 3D_license@mc.com. This file, [request], was used to request the license string. Here is the original form to get/change the license [original].

Current license key: License Amira 3.1 1-Jan-0 0 7as6qre2fcw7 "XFR_02004c4f4f50" 005056c00008

How to create movie

Load Amira

Three windows appear:
  • Amira viewer (on the left of the screen, where the 3-D display will happen)
  • Amira (on the top right of the screen, where the creation of network occurs. It is split into two sub-windows: the top one is for the complete network (ob ject pool) and the bottom one is for the property of the selected network element (working area))
  • Amira console (on the bottom right of the screen, where the program output information during excution and where you can write script instructions)
Load file
  • In Amira window. File -> Load (select your vmrl file). Your file name you appear as a network node
Display 3-D scene
  • In the top window amira right click on the box -> ivDisplay
Create a camera path
  • In the top Amira window: create -> cameraPath (a new icon appears)
  • In the bottom Amira window: Click on pencil icon to add new camera position A new window should appear. It will be used to show the different camera position and orientation.
  • In Amira Viewer: Select the pose of the scene you want, then "add" in the bottom Amira window
Create movie
  • In the top Amira window, right click on "CameraPath*" -> movieMaker. A new node, "Movie Maker" will be created.
  • Select the file name and format and the other parametersm then click on Create Movie
WARNING: the program will render the scene in the 3-D viewer, and recapture it from the frame buffer. Do not overlap any windows or it will be captured
Changing the point size
  • Load your vmrl file and create an ivdisplay node
  • Load the following psi file test_empty.psi and create a VertexView node
  • Use VertexView to change then point size when actived. To have extra point disappear, inactivate VertexView (click on two red boxes in nodes to have them become grey). If you want to change the point size again, activate VertexView.