CyberATV Videos, Images & Publications Archive

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  1. Christopher P. Diehl, Mahesh Saptharishi, John B. Hampshire II, and Pradeep K. Khosla. Collaborative Surveillance Using Both Fixed and Mobile Unattended Ground Sensor Platforms. in AeroSense '99. SPIE. Orlando, Florid. 1999. [pdf]

  2. A. Trebi-Ollennu and John M. Dolan, Adaptive Fuzzy Throttle Control for an All Terrain Vehicle. Institute for Complex Engineered Systems, Carnegie Mellon University. 1999. [pdf]

  3. John M. Dolan, A. Trebi-Ollennu, Alvaro Soto and Pradeep Khosla. Distributed Tactical Surveillance with ATVs, Forthcoming in Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 3693 AeroSense, Orlando, FL. April 1999. [pdf]

  4. A. Trebi-Ollennu and John M. Dolan. An Autonomous Ground Vehicle for Distributed surveillance: CyberScout Internal Report. Institute for Complex Engineered Systems, Carnegie Mellon University. April 1999. [pdf]

  5. Kevin Dixon, John M. Dolan, Robert Grabowski, John Hampshire, Wesley Huang, Christiaan Paredis, Jesus Salido, Mahesh Saptharishi, and Pradeep Khosla. RAVE: A Real and Virtual Environment for Multiple Robot Systems. IROS '99. 1999.

  6. CyberATV Flier (coming soon)

  7. K2T, Inc. 9702 Robot ATV. K2T Report. 1997.

  8. C.S. Oliver. CyberATV Poster. Institute for Complex Engineered Systems. May 1999. [pdf]

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